RMS Turnaround Times

We are pleased to announce that 3DR Tours has agreed on a contract with Matterport for unique expedited service!

You may be aware that Matterport recently changed their turnaround times (without warning) on providing floor plans and the measurement data needed for us to calculate RMS. This caused significant delays on RMS, as many of you have experienced, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused. Since the change in Matterport’s policy, we have been in conversation with their management. Recently we agreed on terms moving forward to provide our company with a unique service to allow us to guarantee our 48 hour turnaround time consistently again. This update was effective as of February 1.

Thank you all for your grace in understanding and patience! We are excited for this road-block to be behind us and look forward to providing the best service we can and stay a step ahead in the business.

We hope to see each of you soon as the listing season is beginning!

Staging Your Home For the Holidays

Staging Your Home For the Holidays

Any major holiday can make it difficult to stage a home, or does it? In reality, certain holiday decor can actually improve the overall look of your home and sell it faster. And you can most likely use some of the decorations you already own! So while the majority of the competition may not put homes up for sale during this season, your home can truly stand out. Here are some ways you can make your house shine in photos to sell your home during the holidays.

Preparing Your Home for Photos

Preparing Your Home for Photos

As more people are doing their house hunting online, the easiest way to attract potential buyers to your home is to have stand-out images. You want your home to look unique and charming yet livable. Taking the steps to make your home look like a show-home is not as intimidating as it may seem and may not take a lot of time. We recommend taking as many of these steps as possible!